
Last day for the GIVEAWAY!

Just a little reminder that today is the last day to enter and win the Play Space Collection!  The winner will be announced first thing tomorrow morning!  

Good luck!


Quotable Monday - Failures and Successes

When researching quotes to feature on Quotable Monday, I came across this:
"Failure is only a temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success."

It was applicable to me this week, so I wanted to share it with you.
Failing does not take away from who we are and what we are capable of.

It simply gives us an opportunity to not give up and to try again.
All we have to do is find the right course correction that will help us reach our goals.


GIVEAWAY - the Play Space Collection

What better way to end back to school week than with a giveaway?!

Brighten your childrens' play space by adding a little bit of color and whimsy to your decor.

Remind them to clean up after

their playtime fun!

Because after a busy day at school, they deserve to have a hoot.

Leave a comment or become a follower to enter.
Do both and be entered twice!
Announce this giveaway on your own blog and be entered again!
*** frames are not included in this giveaway ***

The winner will be randomly selected Wednesday, August 31.
Happy back to school week!  Hope you had fun!


Personalized Sack Lunch Tags

Jazz up your humdrum sack lunches with these colorful tags.

There are four variations of this printable, making it possible for you to pair the perfect sack lunch tag with your little student's personality and interests.

As a mom, I like spending a few extra minutes on simple tasks 
to help my children recognize how important they are to me. 
Make the little things surprising and special. 

Last year, my niece spent the night the evening prior to "Crazy Hair Day" at her school.  Before bed, we read Crazy Hair Day and the following morning I decorated her sack lunch and its contents to coordinate with the day's theme.  She loved it and now asks that I make her a sack lunch whenever she stays over on a school night.

Even while away at school,
I never want my kids to forget that I love them and am thinking of them.
And what better time to remind them than at lunchtime?

Now the question of the morning, turkey or PB&J?


Book Plates

Complimentary book plates.
Wouldn't you love opening a book to one of these goodies?

Use them as a notebook label, textbook book plate, or size them down to label pencil boxes, rulers, and other school supplies in a stylish way.

There are six varieties to choose from!


Back to School Tags

It's back to school time!

Make the first day of school special by sending "welcome back" favors!

Send packages of pencils or cupcakes for your student's new class
and adorn the packaging with this assortment of gift tags.

These tags would also work well with teacher gifts as well.
This printable comes with five assorted gift tags.

We're trying a new file hosting service.
Let us know if you prefer this format over google docs.


Quoteable Monday - Bookmarks

In celebration of back to school week, we're switching it up on this 
Quotable Monday with bookmarks.

One for you and one for the kids!

I love this quote by Benjamin Franklin.
"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."

Knowledge really is a wise investment that will continue to reward you again and again.
Right now, I'm reading The Seven Miracles that Saved America.
It's amazing, such un uplifting and interesting summary of American history.

And what better way to develop a love for learning in your children
than to instill a love for reading and books.  Don't forget a bookmark for them, too!

We are trying a new file hosting company.
Please leave us input on whether or not your prefer this over google docs.


freebie friday - funky photos

Today I'm taking a slightly different route with freebie Friday. Instead of a 'graphic' I'm giving you some funky photos to enjoy.

I am no photographer, but every now and then I pull out my camera {well my husband says I never put it down.} At any rate, I wanted to spruce up my tiny little apartment so I searched my photo archives and found a few pictures that I decided to FUNKIFY!!!

{Each of these awesome photos can be printed as an 8x10 or smaller}

{Arches National Park}

{Cancun, Mexico}


{New York City}

I hope you can have some fun with these regardless of what you decide to do with them. Put them in a frame, make a card, add a quote, or make a collage. The creativity rests on you. Enjoy!

xoxo kyrsten


Quotable monday - Strength

I find it amazing how much strength each of us have in situations where we can feel so helpless. Sometimes we don't think we are very strong. We don't think we can deal with the cards that have been dealt our way, but we can.

I have many loved ones dealing with difficult situations at this very moment and as my mom read me this quote recently, I couldn't help but think of them and how incredibly strong they have been.

I hope those of you that are finding it hard to press forward or who feel like you are at the end of your rope will realize the strength you have.

Keep fighting and stay strong.

{for the best quality, all quotable Monday graphics are sized to print as a 5x7}  

xoxo kyrsten


freebie friday - recipe cards

I received some messages about the personalized recipe cards.  So, I thought I would make some by category for all to print and enjoy!

[click here to download sheet one]
[click here to download sheet two]



Monogram Recipe Card

One of my favorite gifts from my wedding was a recipe card holder a friend made for me.  I pack that little box around to all our adventures [it even has its very own counter space wherever we go], fill it with all the recipes I acquire, and I think of her each time I use it.  Thinking of a gift that newlyweds will use, appreciate, and not receive in multiples can be quite a challenge!

Personalized recipe cards are a unique gift idea that are sure to be a treasured item for the lovebird's "Happily Ever After."



Serve with all your HEART

I whipped up this baby for a lesson I'm teaching the youth at church tomorrow. Even if you're not the same religion as I am, I think it's a common thread among all of us. When you're serving other people, you're also serving the Lord, and in that you can find happiness.

Feel free to use it!  Hope you're having a fantastic weekend!
Right click the image above, save to desktop, and print.


Cloud 9 - Anniversary or Love note

I have love on the brain.
My wedding anniversary is next week.

Share this card with your significant other, whether it's an anniversary, or a "just because" love note.

Add an element of surprise and tuck it somewhere unexpected.
On the bathroom mirror, in his work boots, taped to the steering wheel of his car in the morning...

What cloud are YOU on?


Quoteable Monday - Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I spent the weekend at my parents' cabin.

On the bookshelf was a short read called "The Remarkable Soul of a Woman" by Dieter F. Uchtdorf.
This phrase has been replaying in my mind in the days that have followed.

"In the end, the number of prayers we say may contribute to our happiness,
but the number of prayers we answer may be of greater importance."

You never know what people are going through.
Heartache, loss, loneliness, everyday struggles.
Be the answer to their prayers.