
Quoteable Monday - Bookmarks

In celebration of back to school week, we're switching it up on this 
Quotable Monday with bookmarks.

One for you and one for the kids!

I love this quote by Benjamin Franklin.
"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."

Knowledge really is a wise investment that will continue to reward you again and again.
Right now, I'm reading The Seven Miracles that Saved America.
It's amazing, such un uplifting and interesting summary of American history.

And what better way to develop a love for learning in your children
than to instill a love for reading and books.  Don't forget a bookmark for them, too!

We are trying a new file hosting company.
Please leave us input on whether or not your prefer this over google docs.


  1. emily!! i need to read that book. thanks for giving your opinion of it. these are great thank you. xoxo

  2. Em! I LOVED that book! These printed out nice and easy, too! Thanks so much!

  3. Thank you! I love these! My kids will to. I'll have to check out that book - it sounds interesting!

  4. Love the bookmarks! And the download was super easy! Thank you:)

  5. Great bookmarks. Now we can all have our own. Great quotes, as always.

  6. THe downloads were just so easy, Thank you for sharing these freebies, they are really appreciated. Kindest regards

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