
Freebie Friday- Halloween Coasters

Holy cow ladies! Are you wondering where in the heck we've been this week? Well, there is something that comes around once a semester called midterms... and they kicked my tooshie!
With that being said, I'm so sorry that there was no Quotable Monday this week and that this Freebie Friday really should be considered Freebie Saturday! Blah. Tests are finished, projects turned in and I'm ready to show you these darling Halloween coasters!

(It's hard to see that mummy, but I promise he's there!)
I started this project by going to my local craft store and picking up a package of 4inch cork coasters. I grabbed my mod podge and printed off the graphics on card stock.

I started cutting and mod podging and 15 minutes later I had myself some fun and festive 'safe guards' for my coffee table!

I have to preface the coaster with the mustache... My husband looked at it and said, "WHAT?"
Maybe my mind is the only one that thinks this way, but it says, "I mustache (must ask) you to use me for your drink"... funny right?! Right!? :)

Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed that pumpkin spice cake cookie!

Oh how I love Halloween!

I hope these little darlings can find a place on your table! Or even used as a tag for some goodies!

I may be a little lame.. but I can't get our normal downloading system to work.. therefore we are going back to the pre-historic age and using google docs for this one! As soon as I figure it out I will change it.
(please allow adequate loading time)

xoxo, kyrsten

1 comment:

  1. Brad and I laughed at your Mustache coaster. I just stared at it for a while trying to figure it out. We thought it was clever.
