
Quotable Monday - Emily is back.

I feel like life has been trying my patience lately.

I have a five year old, darling little boy.  He's such a sweetheart. But, lately the tantrums and whining have been giving me a run for my money.  My amazing husband completed graduate school two years ago. With the tough economy, we continue to make the most of our little apartment while I dream of a backyard to call my own where the kidlets can run wild. I took the past month off from my many duties and obligations to destress.  Nearly a year of infertility and frustration is what helped me find this quote by Marquis de Vauvenargues.

Patience really is the art of hoping.

Hoping that my recently ordered copy of "Love and Logic" will give me some new parenting tools.
Hoping that my husband's hard work and brilliance will be discovered by an employer and our little family will finally be able to move on to the next phase in life.
Hoping for a baby.

Hoping... and fingers crossed really tight.


  1. I have been where you are. I'm sending you a hug and a wish for a renewed well of patience.

  2. c'est une bien jolie citation... et très vraie... merci pour le partage, amicalement et de tout coeur pour vos espoirs... Is
