
4th of July Pinwheel

The 4th of July is my favorite holiday.
It's charming.  It's summery.  It's happy.  It's American.
What else coincides with all of the above?

Don't they just make you feel cheery?

Have a sparkly holiday!


Quotable Monday - Oh what a beautiful morning!

These song lyrics from the musical "Oklahoma" are such a happy way 
to start off your morning and yet another busy week.

I worked at a ranch in the mountains before I was married.
We'd wake at the crack of dawn to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate
while overlooking the private lake and meadow.

That's why I included the deer.  
It reminds me of those quiet mornings in the beauty of the forest. 

Happy Monday.


freebie friday - children's placemats

Growing up, my mom had adorable eighties-style laminated placemats for us kiddos, including funky patterns and an outline of daily table tools.  They were the perfect quick and easy trick to keep us four from scuffing the table or making it sticky or other mysterious things kids do.  

They are colorful, fun, and instructive on the basics to setting a table.  But the best is that you can just wipe them after dinner and place them in a drawer.  Which means more time with your sweet man and darling babies. :)  

  {I printed mine at FedEx Office for under two dollars, but find a friend with access to a laminating machine. Laminating there is a whopping four dollars.} 

Below you will find links to print a pink or green version.  However, if you would like to enjoy the design sans tools, I included the option.  Happy printing!

love addie


quotable monday - ann m. dibb

Sometimes joy is found in something as small and simple as a homemade cream puff.

The idea that by
'small and simple things are great things brought to pass'
has been on my mind a lot lately. 

Last night, I decided to focus on doing small things each day to improve myself and accomplish my goals.  So, I sat down and wrote small and simple things I could easily do this week to bring more sunshine into my life {including writing three thank you cards, starting a gratitude journal, and sincerely complimenting a person about a unique skill or talent they have}.  When I felt satisfied with my "small and simple" list , I started to feel a little overwhelmed because it filled up the entire sheet of paper!

I found this ever-so-perfect quote by Ann M. Dibb, and decided to design a little reminder of the power and blessings behind these small and simple acts of kindness, strength, or love.

What small and simple things will you do this week?

love addie


freebie friday- monthly budget

My husband and I are dreaming of a vacation in a far off place next year. In order for us to be able to enjoy such an adventure, we need to start using a strict budget. 
Budgeting is something we haven't done very well with up to this point in our marriage, but now is as good as any to start one don't ya think?!
Sure there are plenty of free budget worksheets around the web, but none this cute!!

Please allow sufficient time for this graphic to load via google docs.

In order to save ink and for those of you who are really looking to save a few pennies, we have now made the monthly budget available in white!

happy penny pinching!

x0x0 kyrsten


two of my favorite things.

We are so lucky to have access to so many talented people filling their blogs with beautiful things. Around Valentines Day I was perusing the web in search of the perfect gift for my sweetheart. While doing so I stumbled across another amazing design site called Memento Designs. After searching through all of her incredible ideas, I saw a card she created for her significant other on their anniversary.

Now my guy loves personal, meaningful gifts and I knew that this would be something that he would absolutely love. So I searched my memories for the things that represent us as a couple and used her awesome idea to make my own personal 8x10 print! I think this would be a perfect father's day gift!

Every time Sam {my husband} sees this print hanging on our wall he tells me how much he loves it. Two of my favorite things: a happy husband and a beautiful home!!

x0x0 kyrsten


happy, happy birthday emily dear!

Oh my dear, sweet sister:  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  I wish I could be giving you a big birthday squeeze right at this very moment.  I thought I would design a birthday card made especially for you and for your special day.  I wanted it pretty and feminine, just like you.  My birthday wish for you is that you enjoy a most perfect day in the beautiful Idaho sunshine and delight in as many cupcakes as you so desire.  I love you my dear Gem, and I miss you every day.  Happy Birthday :)

If you would like to print a more generic version of this pretty birthday card, please feel free to click the link below!  Oh, and make sure you wish our most talented, Emily Ward, the happiest of birthdays!

Click to download your own Birthday Card [sans Gem]

love addie


baby shower invitation

I'm one lucky lady when it comes to friends and family. I have so many people in my life that I seriously adore. One such chica is a dear friend and cousin of mine. I was recently able to throw her an adorable baby shower for her darling baby boy!

This shower came complete with a hot dog machine, candy galore, popcorn and carmel corn and lots of fun. 
Mindy and I decided it would be fun to create a circus/carnival theme for the shower. We wanted it to incorporate those ideas, but didn't want it to get too tacky. 
I think we were pretty successful in making that happen!
Honestly, this invite could be used for any type of party. Neighborhood bash, child's birthday, baby announcement, or even a bridal shower. 
Depending on who and what you are using it for can simply be determined by your color choices.
Good luck in planning that next big bash!


Quotable Monday- Alfred Lord Tennyson

Every once in awhile there is a quote that catches my attention.
Sometimes I'm not sure why, it just seems to speak to me somehow.
Such is the case with this quote by Alfred Lord Tennyson.

How many times after taking an exam have we forgotten everything we had just studied for nights on end? 
Oh wait... Maybe thats just me!

But it's those times when something life changing occurs and the wisdom gained will never be forgotten.
How thankful I am for those times that have developed my ever-growing outlook on life!
Because life is good.

{For the best quality, all quotable Monday graphics are sized to print as a 5x7}


freebie friday - father's day card

Fathers Day is on June 19th!

For this week's Freebie Friday,
 snatch up a gift card to express love and appreciation for the men in your life!
Available in two colors.


bridal shower invitation

There are so many fun themes to choose from for parties these days.
I love this idea.  Introducing an invitation for a vintage housewife themed bridal shower.

The guests will receive aprons for party favors and I picture them eating classic housewife 
baked goods such as lemon bunt cake, chocolate eclairs, and other tasty creations.
Perhaps some fingernails painted red, some lips adorned with a rosy hue.

This takes me back to a simpler time when all things were pretty.


quotable monday - helen keller

I love this quote by Helen Keller.

I am certainly guilty of focusing too much on the negative things that happen in life,
 and unfortunately forget to look at the good that is happening all around me.
It is true, the going can get tough.
But, we really are blessed.

Do you see the open doors in your life?

(For the best quality, all quotable Monday graphics are sized to print as a 5x7)


Grand Opening

We are so excited to announce the launch of Sissyprint,
founded by a family of sisterly designers.

Here you can expect to find free printables, designs for purchase, or print media for hire.
We have an affinity for color, typography, and all things graphic.

Kick off each Monday with a free quotable graphic to help push you along through the week.
Celebrate the weekend with us by enjoying Freebie Friday and a variety of free printables.

Check back often for sewing patterns, gift tags, organization labels, party pack printables,
and just about anything else we're designing for fun or for purchase.

The first item up for grabs?  Here's a sneak peak...
photos and more info to come next week!

Happy Summer and welcome to Sissyprint!